Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well, hello to those of you "out there"...

I have a wee bit of news. I am very excited to report that I have changed publishers for my book. In talking with the publishers at IFWG, we mutually agreed that I would probably not be satisfied with their services due to the fact that they could not print or market the book in the way that I wanted.

I have a new publisher now, and they are very excited to be working on my book. I have worked with this publisher before and have a good working relationship with them, and I trust them implicitly with "my baby".

This is my 2nd book that I'll be publishing, but due to the fact that I am using an alias for this new book, I will not disclose the title of my first book that was published in 2009. It is not all that important to note, anyway, since my first book was in a completely different genre.

The genre of this new book? I don't even really know what category to put it in. It is non-fiction, and it is a very personal story about me and my family, dealing with a very troubling situation in today's world. I will be talking more about the book, and giving you more than these tiniest of details, but for now.... I just enjoy keeping the mystery going... :)

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